

We generate a good default tsconfig.json, which will usually make everything Just Work™. In general, you may customize your TypeScript build process as usual using the tsconfig.json file.

However, there are a few things worth noting if you're already familiar with TypeScript and looking to make further or more advanced customizations (but most users can just ignore this section!):

  1. The generated tsconfig file does not set "outDir" and sets "noEmit" to true. The default configuration we generate allows you to run editors which use the compiler without creating extraneous .js files throughout your codebase, leaving the compilation to ember-cli-typescript to manage.

    You can still customize those properties in tsconfig.json if your use case requires it, however. For example, to see the output of the compilation in a separate folder you are welcome to set "outDir" to some path and set "noEmit" to false. Then tools which use the TypeScript compiler (e.g. the watcher tooling in JetBrains IDEs) will generate files at that location, while the Ember.js/Broccoli pipeline will continue to use its own temp folder.

  2. Closely related to the previous point: any changes you do make to outDir won't have any effect on how Ember builds your application—we run the entire build pipeline through Babel's TypeScript support instead of through the TypeScript compiler.

  3. Since your application is built by Babel, and only type-checked by TypeScript, we set the target key in tsconfig.json to the current version of the ECMAScript standard so that type-checking uses the latest and greatest from the JavaScript standard library. The Babel configuration in your app's config/targets.js and any included polyfills will determine the final build output.

  4. If you make changes to the paths included in or excluded from the build via your tsconfig.json (using the "include", "exclude", or "files" keys), you will need to restart the server to take the changes into account: ember-cli-typescript does not currently watch the tsconfig.json file. For more details, see the TypeScript reference materials for tsconfig.json.

Enabling Sourcemaps

To enable TypeScript sourcemaps, you'll need to add the corresponding configuration for Babel to your ember-cli-build.js file:

const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  babel: {
    sourceMaps: 'inline',

(Note that this will noticeably slow down your app rebuilds.)

If you are using Embroider, you might need to include devtool in your webpack configuration:

return require('@embroider/compat').compatBuild(app, Webpack, {
  packagerOptions: {
    webpackConfig: { 
      devtool: 'source-map'

If you're updating from an older version of the addon, you may also need to update your tsconfig.json. (Current versions generate the correct config at installation.) Either run ember generate ember-cli-typescript or verify you have the same sourcemap settings in your tscsonfig.json that appear in the blueprint.

Last updated

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